“In September of 2015, the Lord orchestrated the gathering of a small group of like-minded believers whose desire was simple, yet unified: to get back to the heart of worship.” If you have visited our “Who We Are” section of this website, you will recognize those words as our formal introduction. At that time, we didn’t necessarily have a plan, but we knew that the Lord did. This page is dedicated to a new phase in our journey and it’s not for the purpose of boasting of what we have done or can do or will do; it is sharing what the Lord has done, is doing, and will be doing with and through us.
In our “Experiencing God” small group study, if you were to take away nothing else from that study, you would come away with the undeniable truth that God is always at work. On June 19, 2017 we purchased land in southern Alamance County where plans will be made to build permanent facilities for The Gathering. It’s an exciting time and we invite you to join us in this amazing journey as we walk by faith, in prayer, seeking His direction.